Our training offer is designed to offer continued training opportunities for professional performers and emerging artists as well as to develop those at the early stages of their career, either currently in study and training or looking to apply to Drama schools in the near future. All workshops and courses are designed to progress individuals at their current level and will be structured accordingly to ensure you gain the most from the course.
In 2021 we launched our core 'ongoing integrated actor training' courses designed to be flexible, accessible, challenging and with a varying degree of commitment from just 3 sessions to as long as you like, allowing you to continue training and developing your craft around your other life/work commitments. See our 'Acting Fundamentals' and 'Scene Study' courses below...
January - February
​Acting Fundamentals - Self Tapes/Auditions and The Industry
A short course that explores acting Industry, covering how the industry works - where to find jobs - how you might market yourself - headshots and showreels - applying ​for jobs - and then tackling the audition and self tape process in a way that keeps things grounded and your mental well being in balance.
Saturday 25 January 1/8/15 February - 10am-1pm (4 Sessions)
Acting Fundamentals - Screen Acting
A practical exploration of Screen Acting - what demands the camera makes of the actor and techniques to engage in and sustain the authenticity of each moment.
Saturday25 January 1/8/15 February - 2pm-5pm (4 Sessions)
Plymouth Athenaeum
Ideal for:
Suitable for all those with a desire and hunger to explore and develop their acting craft. Whether encountering the work for the first or tenth time our integrated approach ensures you are met and challenged at your own pace.
Ages 18+ only.
Led by:
Kevin Johnson & Amanda Collins
This course has a minimum of 6 and maximum of 16 people to ensure the courses are effective and good value.
£90 each
£80 each if booked together.
(50% off for SW Actors Network Members - £45 each)
For more info please email info@thewheel.org.uk
or download the booking form here:
Booking now....
We are taking bookings for a number of short courses that make up the module elements of our one year part time training company. These short courses are open for others to join us to drop in for the modules you choose across the year.
They will take place on Saturday mornings and afternoons in Plymouth and will run as blocks of 4 Saturdays each.
Booking now..
Spring Season:
(25th January - 15th February)
Course 5 - Industry/Self Tapes and Auditions
Course 6 - Screen Acting
(22nd Feb - 8th March)
Course 7 - Showreel Scenes
(15th March - 5th April)
Course 8 - Mask
Course 9 - Physical approaches
Summer Season:
(May -June)
Course 10 - Production Processes - Scrapbook Production
We'll announce more details soon. If you want to express interest in courses 10 in advance, drop us an email.
Please note - if you haven’t worked with us before, and depending on your experience, we may ask for a brief online conversation to ensure this course is the right fit for you.
Get In Touch...
We would love to hear from people to find out more about what might be useful. If you have any thoughts or ideas of the kind of courses/workshops you would like us to run or would like to take up our open door 'Zoom' / 'Coffee House sessions' offer to discuss things further please drop us a message at info@thewheel.org.uk
What previous actors said about our Screen Acting Fundamentals Course....
"Really useful, a very methodical and 'real' approach to preparing for my next screen role, with some excellent techniques to help remain 'in the moment' when on set, Thank you!"
"A really nice 'virtual' space, where i felt relaxed enough to try things, not try to be perfect and explore at my own pace"
"Great value, i've gained loads, too much to list here and all for £25! really glad I took the course."
I bleddy loved the screen acting course. I thought it was brilliant. Kev you made it so accessible and I really feel like I can land on a set now and know what to do. Which is exactly what I needed. So bravo bravo!
​"Due to Lockdown I had started to feel a little unmotivated and as if my acting skills were draining away from me when I heard about the Screen Acting Fundamentals course from The Wheel. It felt like a great way to get back in the arena and challenge myself. Kev and the other participants were supportive, engaging and made me feel comfortable enough to really progress and train. Would recommend to anyone thinking of booking on"
Ongoing Integrated Actor Training:
In 2021 we launched two complementary strands of integrated training
for actors of all levels to engage with.
The two strands are ‘Acting Fundamentals’ and ‘Scene Studies’
Acting Fundamentals is where actors focus on their core skills and technique.
Scene Studies is where they use their skills and apply them to character, text and performance.
Inspired by our first two years of delivering a variety of acting courses and training opportunities, we are now delivering a new module of ongoing integrated Actor Training, alongside our existing programme.
Coupled with our own experience and desire to develop a culture, whereby there are more access points for people to begin or continue vocational actor training, as well as ongoing development opportunities for professional actors; we have been influenced by the American Actors Studio Module of regular scene study and technique classes, and the European tradition of ensemble and company training. We hope the combination of these influences, help develop a richer, more skilled, connected and employable community of actors in the south west.
Suitable for all actors 18+, with the desire and hunger to explore the craft of the actor. Whether it is your first time encountering this work or your tenth time, these sessions are designed to build, develop and challenge your skills as an actor. Our integrated training approach ensures that we meet the work at our own pace and all learn and develop together. Our actors tend to fit into one of three camps 1) professionals that have already undertaken a full time training and are wanting to keep their skills sharp 2) actors that have decided not or are unable to commit to full time training and want to train in short courses and workshops whilst working or 3) people new to acting that have a hunger and desire to find out more about the craft and decide what their next steps are for further training. Which ever camp you fit in you'll be embraced and met at as an individual.
‘we learn and develop in cycles, not straight lines’
Taking applications and auditioning now for our One Year Part Time Training Company
Acting Fundamentals is the title our ongoing core acting skills workshops, these are designed around 6 fundamental areas of what we believe make up the actor: Physicality/Presence, Voice/Text, Imagination/Creation, Connection/Ensemble, Improvisation/Play, Industry/Screen. Some courses will touch on a range of areas and others will be more focussed on one or two.
Scene Studies are the perfect way for actors to continually work on their craft, as they give you the opportunity to put into practice your skills, instinct and experience; as you create a character, connect to the world of a play, understand the anatomy of a scene and embody it. We will focus on one play in each block, and the workshops will involve exploring the plays demands on actors, key themes, challenges and scenes. Plays will vary in style and genre exploring, contemporary plays, exciting new writing, 20th Century canonical texts, Shakespeare, Greek Tragedy and more. Our focus is to find the plays, scenes and characters that will challenge and excite you as an actor.

Past courses have included:
Physical Theatre, Acting With Text, Audition Technique, Screen Acting, Impulse and improvisation, The Actors Body, Stanislavsky's System, Acting Fundamentals, Scene Studies, The Production Process, Text exploration in our 'Great Plays' Series, Stage Combat, Shakespeare and Singing Masterclasses.
March - April
Acting Fundamentals - Physical Approaches
We will explore and utilise a number of techniques and approaches that focus and rely on using the actors body and its connection to others to communicate the story - ensemble and pair work, integration of text and culminating in being directed in a ensemble movement sequence.
Saturday 15/22/29 March & 5th April - 10am-1pm (4 Sessions)
​Acting Fundamentals - The Actor and The Mask
A short course that investigates and explores a range Masks and the demands they make on the performer - from Neutral mask, full face character and half face masks - each week you will work with different styles of mask exploring how to embody and let the mask live in partnership with you.
Saturday 15/22/29 March & 5th April - 2pm-5pm (4 Sessions)
Plymouth Athenaeum
Ideal for:
Suitable for all those with a desire and hunger to explore and develop their acting craft. Whether encountering the work for the first or tenth time our integrated approach ensures you are met and challenged at your own pace.
Ages 18+ only.
Led by:
Kevin Johnson & Amanda Collins
This course has a minimum of 6 and maximum of 16 people to ensure the courses are effective and good value.
£90 each
£80 each if booked together.
(30% off for SW Actors Network Members - £60 each or £50 each if booking both)
For more info please email info@thewheel.org.uk
or download the booking form here:
February - March
​Showreel Scenes
In Partnership with South Of Devon Film - you will be given a role in a short scene that may form part of our web series. You will spend a day with us working the scene, then one morning or afternoon rehearsing and filming your scene - You will receive a copy of the finished film to use as part of your showreel.
Saturday 22 February 10am -5pm
then on morning or afternoon on either 1st, 2nd or 8th March
Plymouth Athenaeum
£130 if booked with Screen Acting
(50% off for SW Actors Network Members - £75)